
Faculty Looking for: Startup Assistance

Make sure my startup idea is viable idea that can meet a clear market need.

NSF I-Corp is an eight-week accelerator program that provides participants with hands-on startup training, prototyping space, and customer discovery support.

Get objective advice on my startup from an experienced entrepreneur.

Experienced startup veterans partner with new entrepreneurs to offer advice, guidance, and objective feedback on business starts. The Startup Mentor Program includes early-stage, sector-specific, and senior mentors.

Sell my business idea.

Practical classes and workshops help new entrepreneurs learn how to sell business ideas by balancing logical argument with emotional persuasion.

Translate my research agenda into commercial products and services.

The Innovation Fellows Program teaches faculty about the pathways to translate their research into commercial products.

Get practical guidance to start my first company.

After completing I-Corps, UGA startups can enroll in Startup 101, a three-part business toolkit that will provide the basic skills to succeed in the early stages of a startup company.