
Athens Entrepreneur Looking for: Access to Student Talent

Hire UGA students interested in entrepreneurial ventures.

The UGA Entrepreneurship Program facilitates connections between local startups and UGA students involved in the Entrepreneurship Program.

Hire UGA students as employees or interns.

The UGA Career Center connects UGA students with local businesses looking for interns and employees.

Build a pipeline of interdisciplinary student talent.

Gain access to UGA student talent and expertise to solve simple or complex solutions for actual, industry specific challenges through the Student Industry Fellows Program.

Work on a team that creatively tackles real-world business challenges, while learning innovation and entrepreneurship skills.

Gain practical innovation, problem-solving, and teamwork experience while working on real-world industry challenges with the Student Industry Fellows Program.

Harness new media technologies to advance my business.

Partner with the New Media Institute on a capstone project or class initiative in which students will apply emerging media and digital technologies to address a business challenge.

With a talented interdisciplinary student base at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, the New Media Institute offers a series of project partnership opportunities to best suit your organization.

Access engineering solutions that address some of my business’ steepest challenges.

We welcome businesses, non-profits, and industry to connect with the UGA College of Engineering through a variety of outlets including working with students teams through capstone senior design projects to address industry needs, engaging in collaborative research with our distinguished faculty and hiring our diverse and high-achieving students for internships and co-op positions.

Gain benefit for my food or agriculture related business by having bright minds tackle challenges or analyze opportunities.

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is actively pursuing opportunities to work with commercial entities to create solutions that improve sustainable access to food, fuel, and fiber. We have over 250 faculty members and 2000 students across 9 departments and 21 majors that range from Applied Biosciences through Food and Hospitality Management. If your organization wants to work with the best academic partner in the country to create value in food, farming, or the environment, the University of Georgia is a great place to start. We will tailor a solution to your needs with the right engagement structure, and the right mix of students, world-class faculty, and facilities.